
Alexander Velgan新作 | 探索空間的神秘性


  Alexander Velgan是一位來自烏克蘭北部哈爾科夫的室內設計師。這位低調的自由設計師,在設計領域擁有豐富的設計經驗,他打造了自成一派的設計風格。Alexander Velgan創造的室內給人帶來一種意想不到的驚艷,格調簡潔、大氣而不乏時尚氣息,讓整個空間如同自然般純粹,不張揚不做作。他能把清冷剛硬和溫潤質樸兩種全然不同的材質的空間,結合碰撞出別樣的和諧美感。

  Alexander Velgan is an interior designer from the northernUkrainian city of Kharkiv. The low-key freelance designer, with a wealth ofdesign experience in the field, has forged his own style. The interior createdby Alexander Velgan brings an unexpected surprise. The style is simple, atmosphericand stylish, making the whole space as pure as nature without pretenses. He cancombine the space of cold and hard and gentle and plain two completelydifferent materials to give a different harmonious aesthetic feeling.



  NP Museum



  OT Residence


  Alexander Velgan完成了這座位於紐西蘭295平方米的概念住宅項目OT Residence。這座房子的空間和設計理念受到了場地的特殊品質的影響。環境是人們關注的焦點。OT住宅,隱藏在山丘,沙丘和包圍森林的一邊和海洋的另一邊。原始的混凝土和木條與松樹的沙質背景融合在一起,讓住宅溶化。進入自然環境,物體的邊界被消除,允許內外結合。

  Alexander Velgan has completed OT Residence, a 295-square-metre conceptual residential project located in New Zealand. The space and design concept of the house was influenced by the special qualities of the site. The environment is a major concern. OT house, hidden in hills, dunes and surrounded by forest on one side and ocean on the other. Raw concrete and wood slats blend with the sandy background of pine trees to dissolve the home. Entering the natural environment, the boundaries of objects are removed, allowing for the combination of inside and outside.



  在住宅一樓,公共區域圍繞著主大廳流動,通過樓梯連接,樓梯是雙層高的,並帶有天窗,創造了連續和動態的空間感。通過捕捉日光,環境穿透物體,光線充滿空間,反映天氣和環境的變化。Alexander Velgan工作室的目標是創造一個讓人感到平靜的空間,一個沒有任何干擾的空間。室內設計直接關係到住宅的建築表達,空間反映了建築材料的統一和體量的相互作用和建築物的空隙。

  On the ground floor of the house, public areas flow around the main hall, connected by a staircase that is double height and has skylights, creating a sense of continuity and dynamic space. By capturing daylight, the environment penetrates the object, filling the space with light that reflects changes in the weather and environment. Alexander Velgan studio’s goal was to create a space that feels calm, a space without any distractions. The interior design is directly related to the architectural expression of the house, and the space reflects the unity of building materials and the interaction of volumes and voids of the building.






